Founder, Dr. Dana Klisanin

Dr. Klisanin looks to “the wild things” for inspiration. She works with creativity, story, mythology, imagination, the arts, neuroscience, ceremony, and ritual to help individuals reconnect with the more-than-human world, restore denatured places in the human mind and reignite their “will” to achieve their goals, navigate change and embrace transformation. 

Dr. Klisanin began researching human rewilding during the pandemic. This approach supports individuals in reclaiming their relationship with the natural world and reconnecting with their own wild or self-willed state. From this place, individuals are tasked with exploring, restoring, and rekindling their unique passion for life.

Dr. Klisanin holds an M.A. and Ph.D. in psychology from Saybrook University. She is a transdisciplinary scholar and has received awards from the American Psychological Association and the World Futures Studies Federation. Dr. Klisanin is a recognized thought leader, acknowledged by Forbes as one of the world’s top female futurists. Her scientific research includes over 30 peer-reviewed articles and book chapters, as well as edited books and peer-reviewed special issues. Her work explores innovative research in the psychology of antifragility, human rewilding, conscious media, and heroism science. Dana studied leadership coaching at Harvard, storytelling with Dr. Martin Shaw, and the shamanic arts at the Sacred Trust. She is passionate about supporting the emergence of planetary consciousness. She enjoys writing, making art, spending quality time with her family, and immersing herself in the beauty of nature.