What if we “futured” like the natural world was us?

Rewilding Futures is a comprehensive multimodal futures methodology that complements existing methods. If you would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Rewilding Futures: A New Approach to Envisioning Tomorrow

Inspired by the wisdom of our ancestors and the beauty of the natural world, we're charting a new course toward a more fulfilling tomorrow.

Traditionally, "rewilding" has been associated with restoring external landscapes. But here at Rewilding: Lab, we're focused on something equally important: restoring the inner landscape of the human psyche. Through this restoration process, we can unlock a world of possibilities for ourselves and the planet.

This approach is crucial because change starts with us. We need to rewild our minds and hearts to protect and heal the natural world. By doing so, we become more adaptable, resilient, and connected—not just to each other but to the more-than-human world.

A healthy psyche recognizes its interconnectivity with the planet and seeks to protect it.

By rewilding the human psyche, we can unleash the creativity and innovation necessary to tackle the environmental challenges we face. We can create workplaces and business practices that are not only sustainable but also nurturing for our employees, customers, and communities. We can foster a sense of purpose and meaning that drives our work and a deep respect for the natural world that sustains us.

Moreover, rewilding the human psyche can help us address the root causes of many social and environmental problems we encounter, including inequality, injustice, and the exploitation of natural resources. By cultivating a more holistic and sustainable approach to business, we can create a better future for ourselves, our communities, and future generations.

We are dedicated to exploring the concept of rewilding the human psyche and its applications in sustainable and regenerative business and wellness practices. We provide resources, insights, and inspiration for leaders who are committed to creating regenerative futures. Join us in rewilding the human psyche and creating a more sustainable and fulfilling future for all. We invite you to explore our services and learn more. Together, we can create a brighter tomorrow for ourselves and future generations.

Learn more about rewilding futures through interviews, articles, presentations, and speculative design concepts.

  • Rewilding Futures / Klisanin

    Rewilding Futures

    Dr. Klisanin describes the origins of her rewilding research and its application in future studies.

  • Rewilding the Imagination

    Peter Hayward talks to Dana Klisanin who is a psychologist, and futurist. She is the founder of ReWilding: Lab.

  • Rewilding Futures Methodology

    Keynote on the “rewilding futures” methodology presented at the Holitopia Festival in Berlin 2024

  • Why Futurists Must Consider Rewilding

    In this article, Dr. Klisanin introduces the application of rewilding to the field of futures studies.

  • BigMane "Concept"

    What if the key to a healthy population and planet could be found in changing the fast food industry? In this thought experiment, McDonald’s gets rewilded and the benefits are staggering!

Rewilding tomorrow begins today.